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Motivational Speaker

Zig Ziglar may have said it best... "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."  On the road to success there are a lot of bridges to cross, closed streets that require alternate routes, traffic jams that delay arrival and tolls to pay.  No one ever said getting to success was easy or without costs. One of the keys to success is daily motivation. 


Some days are more difficult than others. These days require an extra dose of go get it fuel.  I may not be able to refuel you daily, but we can work on a system that will teach you how to motivate yourself regularly. No one will ever care more about you reaching your goals than the person in the mirror. Ironically, many people that are close to you will actually be the nay sayers that try to discourage you from reaching your destination. 


I have spoken in front of audiences all ages from elementary school to those with more experience than I have years on the planet; anywhere from masses in the thousands to groups as small as 10.  Regardless of the size of the audience or the target age group, we will identify the system that works best for you. I may also be accompanied by other speakers that I have either coached, mentored,  managed or worked with on similar ventures. 

Spoken Word Guest
At NYPD Peace Protest
Motivational Speaker 
At National Conference
Keynote Speaker
At Graduation 
Guest Speaker at Community Events 

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